Identify an international company (Domino’s Pizza) and evaluate their organizational strategy. This can be done by reading about their vision, mission, and goals.



Watch the Ted Talk (video, 15m, cc) “How to raise kids who can overcome anxiety” about anxiety in childhood and the role of parents. Then, consider the perspective of the psychologist, Dr. Anne Marie Albano, in approaching and treating childhood anxiety. Answer the questions listed below. Be sure you include the following details to keep your paper focused and organized.
Pick one childhood anxiety disorder and briefly describe and provide an example of what it would look like . You will use this example throughout your responses.

What is their anxiety disorder? Describe in 2-3 sentences how the child meets the criteria for that diagnosis.
Give a brief narrative and description of your child case study. Be sure to describe the fictional child for your case study – name, age, gender, and life circumstances
Treatment: How would you treat this disorder? What type of therapy would you recommend and with whom (i.e., child alone, family, parents, or a combination of these people)? Describe the potential negative consequences and problem the child may have as a result of not treating this anxiety disorder.


Be sure to use APA in-text citations and references. Your paper should include a clear answer to the questions with supporting evidence. Your paper should be at least 3 double spaced pages (no more than 4 pages, including references) and at least 2 peer-reviewed references (i.e., DSM-5).

2. Spiritual Formation
(Original Content Only-No Plagiarism) (Turabian format)
(Questions are attached at the bottom)
(Choose 5 Questions from Each chapter….a total of 20 QUESTIONS)

The Kingdom Life Reading Assignment II

Directions: After reading chapters 5-8 of The Kingdom Life, choose five (5) questions from each chapter (total of 20) from the attached list and state your answer.
Requirements: This assignment must be typed, single-spaced in Turabian using Times New Roman, font size (12 count), and page numbers in the upper right-hand corner. Provide a heading at the top of the first page for each week to include your name, the respective week (example: Week 1), and the number of the book chapter(s) (ex: Chapter 1). Please state the number of the question and the question before stating your answer for good organization and clarity.
Complete each week’s assignment within the assigned week.
Inclusion of 5 questions/answers for each chapter (total of 20).
Accuracy of answers.
Substance: do answers reflect the author’s information concerning the question?

Spelling, grammar, and overall English usage.
Appearance, including organization and format.
3. Strategy & Planning
(Original Content Only-No Plagiarism) (4 pages) (APA citation)
(in-text citations are a must)
International Company to Research: Domino’s Pizza
Critical Thinking Assignment (150 Points)
Aligning Performance Management Systems and Leadership Techniques with Organizational Strategy

The purpose of this discussion is to help you achieve course outcomes 3, 4 & 5 and the module outcome 1, 2, & 3.
The successful implementation of a performance management system requires a clear understanding of how the system works, as well as a clear understanding of its benefits from the different perspectives of all involved.

Strategic planning serves several purposes, including defining an organization’s identity, preparing for the future, analyzing the environment, providing focus, creating a culture of cooperation, generating new options, and serving as a guide for the daily activities of all organizational members.
Leaders must rely on the Performance management tools and the strategic plan to be successful. The behaviors, results, and developmental plans of all employees must be aligned with the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of the organization and unit.

For the purpose of this assignment, discuss the following:
Identify an international company (Domino’s Pizza) and evaluate their organizational strategy. This can be done by reading about their vision, mission, and goals.
Research the various performance management tools available in the open market.
Identify and briefly explain a performance management system that focuses on leadership and motivating employees.
Analyze how leadership influences employee’s motivation and organizational performance.

Identify and briefly summarize at least one leadership theory that is based on communication
Discuss how the performance tool chosen allows for employees to receive feedback on their performance, as well as ensure that the employee’s work and job behaviors are directly aligned with the organization’s strategy.
For this assignment, you may want to utilize the Sample APA Template, if you need guidance on how to format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Your paper should be 4 pages in length.
Include at least three credible references in addition to the course readings. You may not use Wikipedia. For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
A scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article
A newspaper article
A government-based website or publication
Trade or industry journal articles, publications, or websites, including those from trade organizations.

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