Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes by drafting, reviewing, and revising your work.

Welcome to Module 2.3

Your paper is starting to take shape, evolving from an idea into a structured, well-supported argument. As you move into drafting, you’ll begin to recognize what’s working well, what needs further development, and where unnecessary details should be edited. Writing is an iterative process—an opportunity to refine your ideas, challenge your assumptions, and present your research in the most compelling way possible.


The goal of this assignment is to create a comprehensive rough draft of your argument paper, building upon the solid foundation you established through brainstorming, outlining, and compiling your bibliography. This draft will serve as a critical step in organizing your thoughts, strengthening your argument, and ensuring your research is effectively integrated into your writing.


Your rough draft should be between 750 and 1000 words and include the following essential components:

A Clear Thesis Statement: Your thesis should provide a concise summary of your argument, offering a roadmap for your reader.
Well-Organized Structure: Each paragraph should follow a logical progression, with topic sentences and supporting evidence drawn from your research.
Integration of Sources: Incorporate at least three sources from your bibliography to support your claims and strengthen your position.
Critical Analysis: Analyze your sources critically, demonstrating your understanding of the subject and its relevance to your field of study.
Proper MLA Formatting: Ensure your paper adheres to MLA guidelines for in-text citations and includes a properly formatted Works Cited page.
Refining Your Draft
As you work through your draft, consider the following questions to enhance your writing:

Does my thesis statement clearly articulate my position?
Are my supporting arguments logically organized and well-developed?

Have  provided sufficient evidence to support my claims?
Are there any sections that need to be revised or removed for clarity and focus? Am  maintaining a formal and academic tone appropriate for my audience?

Connecting to Your Field of Study

Throughout your draft, keep in mind how your argument relates to your chosen career path. Whether you are studying HVAC systems, automotive engineering, sociology, psychology, or communication, your paper should reflect your unique perspective and industry insights. Your ability to critically engage with research and present a clear, persuasive argument will be valuable beyond the classroom and into your professional endeavors.

Meeting Student Learning Outcomes
By completing this assignment, you will:

Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes by drafting, reviewing, and revising your work.
Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution by incorporating credible sources and building logical arguments.
Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose by maintaining an academic tone and following MLA conventions.
Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts by synthesizing research and shaping your narrative.
Use Edited American English in academic essays by ensuring grammatical accuracy and clarity.

To ensure a comprehensive and credible argument, your works cited page must contain a minimum of 10 sources and no more than 20. Your research should incorporate a variety of media types to provide diverse perspectives and insights. Your bibliography must include the following six mandatory media types:

One Book: A comprehensive source offering foundational knowledge on your topic.
One Peer-Reviewed Journal Article: Scholarly research that provides evidence-based insights.
One Popular Magazine Article: A contemporary discussion of trends and developments.
One Newspaper Article: Coverage of recent events and industry changes.
One YouTube Video: A visual presentation of expert insights or case studies.

One Expert Interview: You will need to find a professional in your field and ask them five interview questions related to your topic. This will provide firsthand insights and practical perspectives.

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