What have you learned so far about Native American philosophy? Use one quote each from Silko’s Forward to God is Red, Tinker’s Forward to God is Red, and the first two pages of Arola’s chapter, “Native American Philosophy

So far in this class, we have had a brief introduction to European Imperialism and how it has impacted the Native peoples of North America. We have also had a brief introduction to the field of philosophy and Indigenous paradigms (also known as worldviews). Finally, we’ve had a brief introduction to Native American philosophy. Your prompt for your paper is:

What have you learned so far about Native American philosophy? Use one quote each from Silko’s Forward to God is Red, Tinker’s Forward to God is Red, and the first two pages of Arola’s chapter, “Native American Philosophy.” That is three (3) quotes in total. Every quote must be in proper MLA format, including parenthetical citations. A quote using MLA-style parenthetical citation looks “like this” (Claveria 1).

The number 1 represents the page number of the quote. Here is a sample MLA-style paper:

250 words minimum, not counting your Works Cited page. 500 words maximum. Use proper MLA format (page header, Works Cited page, in-text citation for each quote, double spacing). You will need at least three entries on your Works Cited page, one for each of the three sources. Copy/paste your paper to submit. Do your best to make the paper “look right,” BUT DON’T WORRY if your alignment and spacing is off due to copy/pasting.

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