Persuasive claim- People that are older should have to take an in person driving exam at certain age to be deemed safe.

In an essay of 3-4 pages, address ONE persuasive claim, being sure to include the perspective of the opposition to your claim.

Regardless of which argument you pursue for this assignment, start your essay with the claim (recall the discussion of editorials) and be sure to share any aspect that led to this claim.

Any outside support must be cited; for a 3- to 4-page paper, you should have about three citations, minimally. You must cite library-based scholarly articles or reputable statistical information/ sources in your paper.

In your essay, include a refutation (opposing view) paragraph, or refute points throughout. As you conclude, argue what change (if any) needs to take place–why and how, why the argument presented is important to the reader (so what?) or include what might take place if change does or does not occur. Build on the evidence presented.

Failure to adhere to MLA format or page requirements will result in points being deducted.

Remember, no first or second person in formal essays—this means no anecdote or personal narratives of any kind. Do not use emotional arguments (negative or positive); research evidence and facts to back your ideas.

A plagiarism and AI text detection software application is used.
^instructions from prof

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