Demonstrate how the citations support the point(s) you are making. This will help you prepare for synthesis (looking across multiple studies) rather than a simple point-by-point (reporting) approach.

Social learning and media usages affects criminal behaviors

1. First, give a brief overview of what your paper topic is and what you will accomplish in the paper (thesis statement)

2. Use headings to group the major themes (and subthemes) you will cover in the paper. Be specific with your headings and check that they match what you are discussing (with the same level of specificity).

3. Under each heading, give a brief description of what you will discuss in the section and use in-text citations to support the major points you will make. Begin paragraphs with the main point you will make in the section, then use citations to support that point.

Note- citations should be integrated into paragraph form to demonstrate what specific points they will support. Citations should NOT simply be listed at end of the paragraph. Demonstrate how the citations support the point(s) you are making. This will help you prepare for synthesis (looking across multiple studies) rather than a simple point-by-point (reporting) approach. Expect to have multiple citations under each heading. If you have a proposed section with only one citation, make a note that you will search/include more in the final paper.

4. Use at least 10 scholarly peer-reviewed empirical articles. You may include more, as 10 is the minimum (not maximum).

5. Be sure to use APA style, including the title page, appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics, as well as citations and references.

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