When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.What did you enjoy about each of the three classes?

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.”
You are required to exercise 3 times per week.

Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long.
When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.What did you enjoy about each of the three classes?

What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. For example, in Class #1: I can’t sit cross-legged on the floor. Is there another way  can complete the exercise without my legs hurting?
Submit your assignment at the end of each module/week.
You may type your answers into the text box, or attach them in doc, Docx, or pdf.

Module 2 Recorded Yoga Classes. Click on the links below to see and exercise with the videos.
Yoga Class 4Links to an external site.
Yoga Class 5Links to an external site.
Yoga Class 6

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