The instructions is to complete an annotated bibliography of 5 sources related to your topic.
An introduction of 2 to 3 sentences clearly state your topic and guide the research. Five complete citations for your sources include the full citation for the source as it would appear in a bibliography. Also, make a practice/example of an in-text citation. DO NOT Copy or attach the whole source.
(2 of the citations please use from my citing already used in my project plan which the file to that paper is attached).
You need to have a minimum of three scholarly sources and a maximum of two popular sources, such as reputable journalists, five annotations of 2 to 3 paragraph summarizing and analyzing each source.
Each annotation that you write needs to cover the following information what is the paper about look in the introduction and abstract? What is the central argument look in the introduction in abstract?
What field of research or perspective doesn’t represent such as biological anthropology medical psychology, cultural anthropology look at the publication information introduction in literature review is it primary research such as original data and research findings or secondary such as a review of the topic look in the introduction and method sections How did The authors collect their dating information look in the method section.
What kinds of data information did they find look in the results analysis sections and what are the key points or findings from the source look in the results and analysis and discussion sections how is it relevant to broader issues related to your topic or to other literature and conclusion sections then refer to the other sources you’ve gathered how does it relate to your research question.
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