For this assignment, you are required to write a short paper discussing gaming and its influence on attentional skills. Your short paper should address the following elements:

For this assignment, you are required to write a short paper discussing gaming and its influence on attentional skills.
Your short paper should address the following elements:

a) take a clear position as to whether gaming use has a positive or negative impact on attentional skills and why,

b) if your position was positive what clinical applications can gaming have to enhance attention in individuals who struggle with that cognitive skill? If your position was negative, what can be done to counter this effect?

c) must contain the description of at least one research study that investigates and demonstrates the impact of gaming on attentional skills.
You must use at least 4 credible sources. If needed, visit the Library Database Index. For the selection of your source, use PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES. Your articles MUST be:
Peer Reviewed ((a) limit your search to “peer-reviewed” and (b) check to see that the journal itself is peer reviewed by looking at their website-it will always be noted)
The articles MUST be of standard length (do not use a brief report or an abstract)

At least one (1) of the articles MUST contain a research study that was conducted (e.g. have Methods and Results sections)
DO NOT use Wikipedia or blogs as sources

You will upload the paper as a Word document or PDF to Blackboard for grading and feedback. Once the submissions are graded, you will be able to review the feedback provided to you in the grading rubric. Your short paper must be 3–4 pages in length (this does not include the cover page and the reference page). It should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. All sources used must follow APA citation and reference format.
Any thoughts that are not your own MUST be cited in proper APA format.

Direct quotes (short and long) MUST be cited and formatted following APA guidelines. Even if you paraphrase information, it MUST be cited. Papers are being evaluated through SafeAssign. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. If plagiarism is discovered, it will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment and possible disciplinary action.


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