Step one:
Choose a movie to watch for your Diagnosis Assignment. See list below for suggestions or if there is a movie you would like to use that is not on the list, please have the instructor approve it.
Watch it through once without taking notes. The second time, take notes on the main character identifying behaviors and symptoms that meet DSM V – TR criteria for addiction and any other diagnosis.
Step two: The first run through the movie, write down your best guess about what the main character’s diagnosis is from their behavior. Don’t read any books or look up any information. What does your intuition tell you about what is happening?
Step three: The second run through of the movie do the following (Make sure to fully answer each question with specifics not generalizations):
Describe any traumatic circumstances revealed which may impact trauma-informed care for the main character.
Identify the various intersections of diversity of the client for the treatment plan.
Visit to understand intersectionality.
Identify history of use identified by the character’s life; Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Sexual, Spiritual, Relationships, Employment, Family. (See Chart)
Review potential transference and countertransference issues, you as a social worker, may have with this case (Definition here
Describe the symptoms of dual diagnosis and give examples from the movie in the following areas of the main character’s life; Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Sexual, Spiritual, Relationships, Employment, Family. (See Chart)
For your final document, write out answers to Step three, then use the charts below for specifics. Submit your final document for grading in the discussion board in Blackboard, by Thursday at midnight. Students will provide feedback to their classmates.
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