What is different about their perspectives, and how do you think it will affect the overall performance evaluation of these companies?

This discussion topic will span two weeks to Module Eight.
In Module Seven, you will post your initial response, and then in Module Eight, you will assess other learners’ posts and provide them with your input. This allows you additional time to make your initial post strong, robust, and well-supported.

In Module Seven, consider the following statement: “The best-performing companies worry less about performance and more about their organizational capabilities” (Bititci, 2015). Then, review the interview notes memos for Company A and Company B. Then think about organizational performance in relation to organizational capabilities and address the following in your initial post:

Do you agree with the statement above? Why or why not?
How does organizational culture affect capability and performance? For example, an active, participative culture is essential for encouraging organizational learning.

What do you think about the organizational culture and capabilities of Companies A and B and their role in the two companies’ performances?
Your initial post is due by Sunday evening.
In Module Eight, review other learners’ posts and provide two of them with your feedback (consider replying to a peer whose post has not been replied to yet). When providing feedback, address the following:
Do you agree or disagree with your peers’ initial posts about the relationships between organizational culture, capabilities, and performance? Explain.
What is different about their perspectives, and how do you think it will affect the overall performance evaluation of these companies?
For your response posts, do the following:

Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread. In the second week of this multiweek discussion, complete your two n your local time zone

When responding to at least two of your peers’ postings, your responses should show that you have given thought to what the original post said. They should also push the conversation forward, offering insights or asking clarifying questions if necessary.
Consider the following questions:
Does your response push the conversation forward?
Does your response offer your perspective?
What about your peers’ stories can you relate to?
What can you learn from your peers’ stories?
Are your responses clear?

Have you considered the viewpoints or insights of the original posts?

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