response to Cristina-Artificial intelligence (AI) and genomics will likely have a transformative influence on the future of healthcare, HIT, and ethics for advanced nursing practice. Moreover, these technologies will enhance patient outcomes and redefine the nurse, health information systems, and ethics in healthcare.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and genomics will likely have a transformative influence on the future of healthcare, HIT, and ethics for advanced nursing practice. Moreover, these technologies will enhance patient outcomes and redefine the nurse, health information systems, and ethics in healthcare.

AI can significantly improve advanced nursing practice in decision-making, diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. AI-driven tools allow nurses to analyze vast amounts of data, spot patterns within the patient’s data, and predict prospective health illnesses (Topol, 2016). It will also enable nurses to base their decisions on evidence and improve patient outcomes. Genomics will also lead to personalized medicine, where a treatment is tailored according to an individual’s genetic makeup. As advanced practice nurses (APNs), we will interpret and integrate genetic information, thus helping lead precision medicine and preventative care strategies.

AI and genomics are also changing Health Information Technology (HIT). AI allows healthcare professionals to spend more time caring for patients than doing repetitive tasks like charting and scheduling (Topol, 2016). In addition, there is also predictive analytics to help health organizations understand your resource allocation and different patients’ needs, and all or all of these are based on real-time data. When genomic data is incorporated into electronic health records (EHRs), healthcare providers will have valuable information for better diagnosis and treatment. Most HIT systems will incorporate AI algorithms to speed up clinical workflows, engage patients, and long-term manage population health.
Ethical issues regarding these technologies will become harder to resolve.

While AI brings both technical and ethical benefits, most concerns related to patient privacy, and data security, among others, are rearing their heads when it comes to making decisions. To use AI tools responsibly and transparently, nurses and healthcare providers must be careful (Topol, 2016). The ethical issues also relate to genetic privacy, consent, and discrimination due to genetic predispositions arising from genomic data. For the benefit of patients, it is imperative that advanced practice nurses advocate for policies that will secure ethical and equitable use of these technologies and protect the patient’s rights while facilitating the advancement of technology.
However, the ethical implications of integrating genomics and AI into health care should be considered carefully before implementation, as it will likely benefit nursing practice, health information technology, and patient outcomes.

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