Homelessness in Kentucky and the Safer Kentucky Act.
This assignment should be formatted as a paper with two sections. Section 1 will be your annotated bibliography and Section 2 will be your conceptual planning document/outline. FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, LABEL THIS AS SECTION 1: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY
This bibliography will include at least eight references – of these, five should be from the peer-reviewed/academic literature and three should be government sources, textbooks, or other reliable sources.
You will provide appropriate APA format citations and a discussion/overview of the article/source – this should include:
what question(s) it will help you answer in the final paper,
any quotes you plan to use (cited appropriately),
any especially helpful information/a critical analysis of the document.
Answer each of these questions (these map to the outline/requirements for the final paper). When appropriate, link your answers to the articles/sources provided above in your annotated bibliography.
1.Provide a two-to-three sentence overview of what your paper will be about. This should include both the problem/condition and the policy response.
2. Provide an understanding of the history of the problem/highlight at least two key historical events/dates/acts, etc. that you will highlight in your paper. Here it is appropriate to talk about the history of the problem/condition as well as the history of the policy response – though in your paper you’ll build on each of those.
3. Clarify what problem your chosen policy responds to.
4. Consider the different and conflicting social values that “show up” in the development of legislation and social programs. Are there any values that you believe are prominently displayed within the legislation you’re researching? Here, you may need to read the preamble to the legislation, comments about it, etc. What can you find that helps orient you towards the values that shaped this policy response to a social problem?
5. Based on the reading and research you’ve done this far, has the policy you’re analyzing been effective? What information are you using to generate that answer?
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