discussion 2


Read the rubric to understand how Discussion posts are graded: How do I view the rubric for my graded discussion?Links to an external site.
This is not a research project, so outside sources are not allowed. Use of outside sources may result in a loss of points or a “0” grade.
The goal is to demonstrate an understanding of the assigned reading by applying course concepts to real world issues. However, perhaps you could cite a small example from an outside source, but it should not be at the expense of addressing the prompt and demonstrating your understanding of the assigned reading. Check with me if you are ever unsure.
Students must post before viewing the posts of their peers. To help promote independent work, you cannot revise or delete your posts.
Some try to cheat the system by posting a blank post, reading what others have written, and then synthesizing a reply based on what others have written. Blank submissions will earn 0 points.

No AI Policy

Formatting: 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, number your responses to the prompt questions, and organize your writing into paragraphs when appropriate. Remember to number your responses.
Citations: Use in-text citations when citing or explaining evidence from the assigned reading/watching.
Be sure to explain any quotations in your own words. When citing evidence, use in-text citations: include the author’s name and the page number (if applicable). For example, (author name 88). If citing evidence from a video, then cite the time-stamp. For example, “Quotation from the assigned video” (author name time stamp).
Pro Tip: it’s ok to shorten the passages. You can include […] when you are omitting unnecessary text from the passage to shorten it.
There is no need to sign your name at the end of your post (we can see your name next to your post)

Treat this like a real conversation. There is no need to say things like “Great job on the post!” No one says these things in real life conversations.
Discussion Prompt (The entire response must be within 300-500 words)
The total word count should be at least 300 words and no more than 500 words. Aim to be clear and concise.There are no research projects in this course. The assigned reading and podcasts are the common ground for this discussion.
Respond to all prompt questions below. Support your reasoning using only examples from the assigned reading this week. Be sure to explain any quotations in your own words. When citing evidence, use in-text citations: include the author’s name and the page number. For example, “quotation from the assigned reading” (Marcuse page#).

CONTEXT: Marcuse argues that technology in advanced industrial societies tends to be used for social control, maintaining the values and goals of the political and economic elites, resulting in a totalitarian society. Recall this key passage from the Marcuse reading about the difference between “terroristic” and “non-terroristic” forms of totalitarian social control:
“By virtue of the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian. For ‘‘totalitarian’’ is not only a terroristic political coordination of society, but also a non-terroristic economic-technical coordination which operates through the manipulation of needs by vested interests. It thus precludes the emergence of an effective opposition against the whole. Not only a specific form of government or party rule makes for totalitarianism, but also a specific system of production and distribution which may well be compatible with a ‘‘pluralism’’ of parties, newspapers, ‘‘countervailing powers,’’ et cetera” (35). [it is highly recommended to reread the first three pages of the Marcuse reading Download Marcuse reading]

PROMPT: How might generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT or “deep fake” videos) be used for what Marcuse calls the “terroristic” and “non-terroristic” forms of totalitarian social control. (Be sure to explain one example for the “terroristic” variety and one example for the “non-terroristic” variety and be sure to explain why your examples are either the “terroristic” or “non-terroristic” forms of totalitarian social control).
Provide clear and specific examples to support your reasoning. Demonstrate your understanding of the text through your application of Marcuse’s ideas to this generative AI example. The application to real-world issues is the critical thinking step.
Don’t forget to write your word count at the end!
Respond thoughtfully to two peers in the class discussion. Read the rubric to see what qualifies as a “substantive reply.”

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