Consider social and political issues that affect you in your culture and region to make that the subject of your work.


View this video of Shirin Neshat’s work on YouTube:
Shirin Neshat created a series of works titled Women of Allah that incorporate text on photographs of Islamic women. Neshat was born and raised in Iran, and she moved to the United States to study art as well as to escape the unrest that was happening in Iran due to the Islamic Revolution. According to Neshat, the focus of her work is “the subject of women in relation to Iranian society and the revolution…” using both black and white photography as well as film. View the series Women of AllahLinks to an external site.. The text that is incorporated includes religious quotes and poetry, juxtaposing with the beautiful compositions showing disturbing images of Islamic women.

Consider social and political issues that affect you in your culture and region to make that the subject of your work.
Take a photo to provide the visual image for the idea you want to convey in your work. Print or upload to computer in black and white. Then incorporate written text to the photo in poetic, narrative, or explanatory verse to reinforce the social issue of your work.

Then tell us what type of criticism you believe people would use to view that work you created and why (listed below).
Post it by the due date and respond to at least two others, 24 hours after the due date.

Ideological criticism relates the political ideas of art.
Structuralist-based criticism deals with the overall structure of art (formal elements) or the multiple layers of meanings that deconstruct art.

Psychoanalytic criticism deals with the experiences of the individual, in their past, their subconscious mind, or in their social histories.
Feminist criticism deals with gender issues such as oppression of women.

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