What are the theoretical propositions?


The purpose of this assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of the following course objectives:

Examine how the advanced practice nurse integrates scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.
Apply research outcomes within the practice setting, resolve practice problems, work as a change agent, and disseminate results.

You are going to read the below article and consider the 19 questions listed. Your paper should answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the theory;
15. Is the theory congruent with current nursing standards? Nursing interventions;
16. Has the theory been tested?; and
19. How would you use the theory in a research study or in practice? Is it supported by research? Explain your answer.
The paper should be written following APA format (title page, headings, reference page, etc.) and include a minimum of 3 references. You will draft this paper and submit it to the South College Writing Lab. You will submit a screenshot of your email to the Writing Center in the dropbox for this week’s submission.

Read the attached article, An Analysis and Evaluation of the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

Consider all of the questions and answer the bolded questions in your paper (#1, #15, #16, #19):

What is the purpose of the theory?
What is the scope of the theory?
What were the origins of the theory?
What are the major concepts?
What are the theoretical propositions?
What are the major assumptions?
What is the context for use?
Are the concepts theoretically and operationally defined? Why or why not?
Are statements defined? Why or why not?
Are linkages explicit? Explain your answer.
Is the theory logically organized? Explain your answer.
Is there a model/diagram? Why or why not?
Are the concepts, statements, and assumptions consistent? Why or why not?
Are outcomes or consequences stated or predicted?
Is the theory congruent with current nursing standards? Nursing interventions?
Has the theory been tested? Is it supported by research? Explain your answer.
Is there evidence that the theory has been used? Is it socially or culturally relevant? Explain your answer.
Does the theory contribute to nursing? What are the implications for nursing related to the implementation of the theory?
How would you use the theory in a research study or in practice?

This assignment needs to be submitted following APA format (title page, headings, reference page, etc.). Citations from References that are synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. A minimum of 3 resources are used. References must be current within 5 years, with the exception of the assigned article from 2017.
You are required to submit your Theory Analysis to the South College Writing Lab. The Writing Lab helps with APA formatting, proper citation, summary writing, grammar, and professional style. Once you submit your paper, the writing center will provide feedback.

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