Explain major developmental events, phases, and turning points in the person’s life, with developmental theories that best explain each. Include a brief description of each developmental theory and use as many as is fitting.

Final Project
For this Final Project Assignment, you will complete a 6- to 8-page paper (not counting the title page and references). You will incorporate and finalize the feedback you received from your Instructor on Parts 1 and 2, and prepare your Final Project for submission.

For each of the following, explain the development and outcomes of the person’s life in terms of the appropriate constructs, processes, and theories of development. Address as many of the ages and stages as possible that are relevant.

Explain the person’s life from infancy/childhood to adulthood in terms of nature/nurture influences.
Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.

Explain major developmental events, phases, and turning points in the person’s life, with developmental theories that best explain each. Include a brief description of each developmental theory and use as many as is fitting. You must include at least two theories from this course in your Final Project Assignment.

Explain the impact of diversity* on the person’s life (success, lack of success, struggles, challenges, decisions, etc.).
*Diversity includes characteristics and factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, and physical ability. Diversity characteristics are distinct from adversity, which refers to hardship or misfortune.

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