Discuss how the item is linked to the course material and what the readings say about the topic. This also includes proper citations for all concepts and arguments that are mentioned.

Write About Syria

Find and analyze a current media item about a Middle Eastern Country.
Your written analysis should not exceed two single-spaced pages.
Make sure to proofread and double-check your grammar and spelling! Your argument should be coherent, and your writing should be easy to follow. The rubric provides more information on the evaluation criteria.

Each event analysis should contain the following elements:
An APA citation with an active/working link to the media item
A summary of what the media item is about, including an outline of the argument/position presented by the author

Discuss how the item is linked to the course material and what the readings say about the topic. This also includes proper citations for all concepts and arguments that are mentioned.
A critical analysis of the validity of the author’s argument/position. Why was this item chosen; how is it interesting or relevant? This includes the student’s take and reflections on the media item and the topic.
Tips for the media item
Your media item can be an article from a traditional news source (newspaper, radio, TV), a video story, a blog posting from an expert on the topic, or a report from a think tank.

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