Research one symbol that is represented in religion. You can choose one of the examples in the text, such as the triangle, the dove, the circle, or light, or you can choose a different symbol.

Read chapter 10, pages 253-277 in online text Links to an external site..

Just about every temple, church, place of worship, and most religious art in general is symmetrical. Some art is composed of geometric designs. The geometry and symmetry in religious art is there to reassure. Show you they are stable, calm and to comfort or welcome.

Research one symbol that is represented in religion. You can choose one of the examples in the text, such as the triangle, the dove, the circle, or light, or you can choose a different symbol.
In what religion do you see this symbol?
Under what context is it normally shown/what does it represent?
In what other religions is this symbol used? 200-300 words. Be concise.( you need to answer this for two students differently)

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