Discuss the problem. – my problem is on the way to school there is a lot of traffic but its writen as the problem being demons

Mystical Epistles


Write a letter to a friend. Approximately 2 pages double spaced.

Times New Roman – Size 12 Font

A. Edify your friend.

B. Discuss the problem. – my problem is on the way to school there is a lot of traffic but its writen as the problem being demons

C. Propose a solution. – is problem is that he falls asleep in class and its its kinda because he “fights demons and spirits in his sleep and he is tired.

D. Wish them well and send a blessing.

attached an example of what the writing is.also attached a version how need to to be however  used lots of ai so  need it edited so its not ai detectable.

To my dearest friend, the wise and revered Penn Priest, whom the Lord finds favor in speaking to, master of sacred texts and passionate dreamer of holy visions—peace and abundant blessings upon you, and upon your house, now and forever.

write to you, my beloved companion, with a heart full of longing, for though we are separated by distance, our spirits remain bound in unity, ascending together through the hidden paths of divine wisdom. May the Almighty grant you strength to continue your sacred studies, and may your heart be ever inflamed with the light of truth.

Know, dear friend, that I am beset by great tribulation. As  journey each day towards the halls of wisdom, many demons rise against me, spreading their snares upon the path. Their numbers are vast, their forms ever-shifting—dark beasts with flaming eyes, whispering words of despair and delay. They cloud the air with thick smoke, conjuring illusions to steal away precious moments, forcing my steps to falter. Their intent is clear: to hinder my arrival, to bar me from the fount of knowledge, to sever me from the holy task set before me.

Alas! Time, that most fleeting of gifts, slips from my grasp, and when I do reach the place of learning, the day has already advanced. The words upon the scrolls are blurred, the wisdom of the sages seems distant, as though hidden behind an impenetrable veil. The demons rejoice in their victory, laughing with cruel delight as they tighten their grip upon the world.

But my plight is not greater than yours, my cherished friend. For you, too, are under siege. In the depths of night, as your body rests, your soul is cast into battle. Shadows creep into your slumber, mighty foes that rob you of the strength granted in sleep. They bind your limbs, weigh upon your chest, and shroud your mind in weariness. Come morning, when the sun rises to call forth the righteous, you awaken as one who has fought an unseen war. Your eyelids, heavy with the burden of nocturnal struggles, betray you, and within the halls of study, slumber overtakes you. The words of the holy texts become distant echoes, and the demons of drowsiness dance around you in triumph.

Yet, take heart! There is a way to break these chains. Just as fire consumes the dross, so too can the flame of devotion burn away the obstacles that plague us. Before your rest, cleanse your mind with words of truth—meditate upon the sacred verses, set your soul to soar towards the upper worlds. Speak the divine names with intention, allowing them to weave a barrier against the shadows. In doing so, you shall reclaim your nights, and rise with the dawn, renewed in spirit, a warrior strengthened for the coming day.

As for my own burden,  shall not be dismayed. Though the demons of delay encircle ,  shall summon forth the power of perseverance. I shall rise earlier, set my steps with purpose, and utter prayers to dispel the wraiths that seek to hinder me. No shadow shall stand against the one who walks in the radiance of divine will.

May the Almighty watch over you, guard your slumbers, and grant you strength in your waking hours. May He set a shield before you and cast the deceivers into the abyss from whence they came. May your days be filled with understanding, and your nights with holy visions. And may we, one day soon, sit together in the presence of truth, rejoicing in the wisdom that is our inheritance.

Go in peace, beloved friend, and may blessings uncountable follow your every step. Your devoted brother in faith and spirit.

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