Explain the impact of social media use on adolescent development

After choosing your topic, you are welcome to further narrow its scope to a specific individual difference variable (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic or racial background) and/or context (e.g., a specific geographic location), if desired. For example, you may be interested in researching the impact of social media use on Asian male teens.

Then, research, select, and read at least 5 full-text peer-reviewed articles as well as other reliable scholarly sources that have been written about your specific topic and that have been published within the last 10 years.

Organization of the Paper
In this paper, include all of the following:

Title Page
Formatted according to the most recent edition of the APA Publication Manual. See this support resource
Links to an external site..
Introduction (List as your cover page title from p. 1, at the top of p. 2)
Begin your paper with a brief introduction that explains the purpose of the writing as a whole. Clearly state what topic you chose and why, including how this topic aligns with your current work, future career goals, and/or other roles or responsibilities. The introduction’s heading will be the same as your cover page title.

Body of the Paper (organize the boldfaced sections below as headings in your paper)
Literature Review: What theory or theories informed the research studies you selected and how? Then, discuss the key themes and findings from the minimum 5 peer-reviewed research articles you’ve selected, including highlighting who was included in the studies and why, and how the themes and findings relate and/or compare/contrast to one another.

Critical Analysis and Future Directions: Analyze and discuss the implications of the research findings, including identifying any gaps in the current research, discussing application of the findings to other diverse populations, and suggesting possible directions for future research.

Reflection and Conclusion (last headings of paper)
In addition to summarizing the main findings and implications discussed in your paper, explain how the research findings you discussed, and learning about the topic in general, connect to your current work, future career aspirations, and/or other roles or responsibilities.

APA Formatted
You will write an APA-formatted, max 5-page research paper (not including the title or reference pages) about your topic that is supported by evidence from the textbook and at least 5 peer-reviewed research articles that were published within the last 10 years.

Last Completed Projects

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