Students are encouraged to evaluate the article without specific guidelines but rather to critically reflect on the nature of research articles.

Task Description and Purpose

The initial assessment of a research article is designed to aid students who lack prior knowledge of research and have limited experience in reading research articles to grasp the fundamental concepts of research. Students are tasked with identifying a social work research article (or an article related to social work).

As this first critique serves as a preliminary exercise, students are encouraged to evaluate the article without specific guidelines but rather to critically reflect on the nature of research articles. This involves analyzing the structure, components, composition, writing styles, sections, and subsections, among other aspects. The emphasis is on the format of the chosen article, and students are advised not to focus on the content or narratives within the article. For instance, instead of discussing that authors found that mental health negatively affected the academic achievement of children in foster care, students should concentrate on how the research was conducted and how the authors describe their methodology during the study.

Students are expected to produce a paper of 2 pages (no less than 1 page and no more than 2 pages) in length describing their chosen article.
The chosen article for this assignment must report empirical research (only qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research articles are accepted; no theoretical or review papers with no data analysis) and must be published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals within the past 10 years.
A copy of the article under evaluation must be submitted with the paper, and the paper should include an APA style citation.


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