Have you considered seeing xyz (give a recommendation specific to the POP)?


San Pedro, T., & Kinloch, V. (2017). Toward projects in humanization: Research on co-creating and sustaining dialogic relationships. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1 Suppl), 373S–394S. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831216671210


Instructions: In this activity, you will connect with interested parties working in the field and get feedback on your POP systems model.

Connect with interested parties working in the field.
Show them your POP systems model and ask them the following questions:
Do the groupings make sense?
Are there other wholes/parts that are missing?
Are there wholes that need to be broken down into parts?
Are all of the relationships shown?
Are all of the relationships’ parts shown?
Are all appropriate interested party perspectives shown?
Are there additional institutional and/or conceptual perspectives to consider?

Have you considered seeing xyz (give a recommendation specific to the POP)?
Revise your POP Systems Model based on interested party feedback.

Please dig deep into the research and support every claim with a citation and/or data to support how you know that your POP exists
My problem of practice is exploring the discipline of African American middle school students and its impact on mental health.

Use Google Scholar to support empirical research that you find in relation to this problem of practice.
Helpful tips: Note that we use interested parties instead of the traditional stakeholders term, which is consistently used in the literature. We have chosen to highlight the changing linguistic landscape and the need to be thoughtful about word choice by utilizing interested parties while acknowledging that stakeholder is now widely recognized as a problematic term. You may want to keep an eye out in your circles to see whether the acceptability of this term changes over your time in the program and beyond.

As you engage with interested parties to discuss your POP—particularly those parties who may be affected by the problem—consider their perspectives through the lenses of 1) what Tuck and Yang (2014) refer to as analytic practices of refusal to settler colonialism, and 2) what San Pedro and Kinloch (2017) refer to as Projects in Humanization. Specifically, consider how these lenses may shape how you can effectively and respectfully engage with interested parties while conducting research.

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