African- american film studies-Use the citation given in News Bank to make your Works Cited page. Follow instructions.

1. Select a topic from NewsBank. Once you have settled on a good article, make your Works Cited page with the GALILEO provided citation.

2. Select a passage of about 300 words, a passage with good information on the topic. Use the sample at the end of this handout. Read and understand the passage. Take notes on the passage. Remember to use only words and phrases, no sentences. Mix up the order of the information. Then use your notes to write and cite your paraphrase. Be sure you use no original source wording.

3. Use your notes to write your paraphrase. Write the paragraph or two in your words. Add the in-text citation. In almost all cases, use the author’s name if you have it.
• …end of sentence (Smith).
• …end of sentence (Smith 42) [Page number if you have it]
• …end of sentence (Smith, Jones). [Two authors]
• …end of sentence (“Views from the Future”). [Only if you have no author, use a shortened version of the article title in quotation marks.]

4. Use the citation given in News Bank to make your Works Cited page. Follow instructions.

5. Once you have shown that you can read, paraphrase, and cite, we will move on to the
research paper. Make your paragraph and Works Cited page look like the sample in this handout.
6. Read the sample below, and then use the planner to write your paraphrase.

7. Submit the final draft of this assignment (your summary paragraph only, including Works Cited page) to the Summary Paragraph Final Draft dropbox.

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