Explain how you could develop one of your ideas in part B into an original one-hour e-learning module by doing the following

Generate a solution to an instructional problem represented in your chosen case study, found in the Web Links section, by doing the following:

Note: The tasks in LXD Foundations I and LXD Foundations II are designed to be completed in order, using the same case study throughout, to simulate the design thinking process from start to finish.

A. Include the following sections of your passing submission from LXD Foundations I to provide context for your identified instructional problem and learner population:

• the target audience analysis from Task 2, parts A1–A3 (LXD Foundations I)

• the problem statement from Task 2, part A4 (LXD Foundations I)

• the learning goal and learning objectives from Task 2, parts B and C (LXD Foundations I)

Note: The sections from the previously completed task should be copied and pasted within one document along with the submission for the rest of this task. The previously evaluated sections will not be reevaluated for quality, but they are necessary to include to provide context as you work through each phase of the design process.

B. Using design thinking methods, ideate potential original e-learning solutions to address the instructional problem from LXD Foundations I by doing the following:

1. Explain your experience engaging in the ideation process, including how your experience exemplifies divergent thinking.

2. Provide an artifact related to your ideation experience (e.g., diagram, outline, graphic organizer, or any other medium that displays your work).

3. Identify three distinct ideas generated from your ideation process and explain how each idea addresses the instructional problem.

C. Explain how you could develop one of your ideas in part B into an original one-hour e-learning module by doing the following:

Note: You will prototype this idea as a one-hour e-learning module in Tasks 2 and 3.

1. Provide one observable learning objective aligned to the learning goal in part A that your one-hour e-learning module will address.

Note: Your learning objective may be one of the learning objectives you submitted in LXD Foundations I Task 2, or you may revise or refine a learning objective so it is better suited for a one-hour e-learning module and will better meet the requirements of this task. The learning objective should still align to the learning goal.

2. Describe how you could develop one idea—either from part B3 or a new idea—into an original one-hour e-learning module to solve the instructional problem.

3. Explain how learners will learn the concepts and skills to achieve the learning objective in part C1.

Note: The explanation should focus on the learners’ experience of learning important concepts and skills. It may include tools, resources, and instructional components, but the focus should be on how learners interact and engage with these components to learn.

4. Explain how a specific learning theory could support the learning process within the e-learning module.

5. Explain how learning could be measured (i.e., assessed) within the e-learning module.

6. Explain how the e-learning module will meet the needs of the target learners.

D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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