Chronic Care Policy – Georgia

Policy Analysis Assignment: Summary of current bills in module with link to Bill and info. Select one of the bills listed or in the summary to do your analysis. Students will explore, evaluate, and react to one of the current bills in the GA legislation. Students will select a Legislation related to advance practice nursing, health care/ administration, policy, organization, and or financing healthcare to discuss. Student will post policy analysis on the discussion board. Expect to do additional research for this assignment [ 2 – 3 pages, double spaced, exclusive of title page and references]
1. State and discuss the bill current or recent past you will be discussing including the bill number and title.
2. Provide a summary of the issue or problem related to the chosen bill. Who is affected by this issue and how?
3. Describe the background information related to the issue or problem and any other factors that are contributing to this issue.
4. How does this bill affect APRN’s and what are the implications on scope of practice.
5. Discuss any include key regulatory and legislative history of this Bill/issue and any related data.
6. Identify stakeholders and discuss their position on the area(s) of concern. Discuss how the issues will affect stakeholders.
7. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats (SWOT) to the bill.

Healthcare Policy: Chronic Care Policy


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