Choose at least one intervention to address your public health issue and identify at least one financing strategy for sustainability.

Choose at least one intervention to address your public health issue and identify at least one financing strategy for sustainability. Complete the Public Health Issue Sustainability Plan and submit this document as your assignment. Note: you may find it helpful to use this Excel template

Download Excel template for your budget (proposed costs and revenues). Be sure to describe the strategy/revenue stream, its source (public/private; federal, state or local); and the policy factors that could change (either increase or decrease) support for your interventions.

Budget notes: Your budget for Year 1 must have a minimum cost of $750,000. For Years 2-5, outline the ongoing costs required to maintain and operate the intervention. It is assumed that you will be requesting some funds from King County and your Mock Leadership Team for at least Year 1. The Sustainability Plan should identify at least one additional funding source that you will seek for your intervention. Reminder: There is $15 million available overall from the County Council over a 5-year period, for roughly $3 million per year.
You may find it helpful to review the video “Tips for Budgeting a Public Health Intervention” on the Module 6 page before completing this assignment.

For your reference, we have included two examples below.
Note: these examples are from two different projects; the budget is part of an opioid treatment intervention and is not associated with the medical respite intervention. Budget parameters (e.g., total amount of funding, Year 1 costs, etc. are different in these examples than the instructions for HSERV 567.)

Sustainability Plan (Example) based on Medical RespiEditSample Budget based on Opioid Addiction and Treatment Intervention


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