Your task is to review the literature related to the Mind-Body Problem and write a reaction paper on the topic.

Price is low, but you are given plenty of time for this assignment!** One of the more controversial issues in the study of psychology has been the mind-body problem.

Consequently, scholars have argued for a very long time about how the mind (i.e., mental qualities) can be distinguished from the body and all other physical qualities. The mind-body problem is considered to be Rene Descartes’s most important work for the development of modern psychology.

Your task is to review the literature related to the Mind-Body Problem and write a reaction paper on the topic. The paper will be a minimum of 750 words and will be no longer than 1000 words and is required to be more than a simple summary of the material you have reviewed. Therefore, each paper should: compare and contrast opposing points of view on the topic, hypothesize ways that the work could have been improved (or not), expand or extend the idea to new domains, or question the assumptions or values of the topic.

The paper will be written in APA style (7th ed.) and will be evaluated according to your written communication skills, content, and originality of ideas (see rubric). The paper will be written in three sections and will include an introductory paragraph, the body of the paper which will include the details of your argument, and a concluding paragraph that recaps your argument.

You are required to include at least 5 empirical resources, including journal articles, biographies, and websites (use caution with websites; they’re not necessarily a good source for empirical information) in the development of your paper. Remember that all references must be properly cited according to the APA manual. The course textbook may be used as 1 reference for this assignment. Course textbook information: Title: A History of Modern Psychology. ISBN: 9781305630048. Authors: Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz. Publisher: Cengage Learning. Publication Date: 2015-06-26. Edition: 11th.

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