summarize the political and military events that brought about the creation of the Irish Republic, Eire.

summarize the political and military events that brought about the creation of the Irish Republic, Eire.
Characterize the events that took place in the 1960’s and 1970’s that brought about the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland.
Compare the Catholic and Protestant terrorist movements and the effectiveness of the methods and tactics employed.
Chapter Assignment 5
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 1
33 pts
Great understanding of the question, great detail
23 pts
Good understanding of the question, but need more detail for full credit
20 pts
Detail needed for full credit
0 pts
No Marks
33 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 2
33 pts
Great understanding of the question, great detail
23 pts
Good understanding of the question, but need more detail for full credit
20 pts
Detail needed for full credit
0 pts
No Marks
33 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 3
34 pts
Great understanding of the question, great detail
23 pts
Good understanding of the question, but need more detail for full credit
20 pts
Detail needed for full credit
0 pts
No Marks
34 pts
Total Points: 100
* Chapter 7
1. Summarize how Russia has handled the Chechen crisis and the response to it by Islamist groups.
2. Analyze the events that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia and the ethnic cleansing that followed.
3. What are some of the potential consequences for Russia with the political assassinations of outspoken opponents of the Russian political machine.
Book: Spindlove, Jeremy R. & Simonsen, Clifford E. 2018. Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players,
The Future. 6th Edition. Pearson Publishing. ISBN: 13-9780134549163


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