Where do you see evidence of alignment to grade-level standards and shifts? Where do you see evidence of cultural relevance?

Step 1: Observe minutes 7:00–18:00 of Sixth Grade: Equivalent Expressions (video link https://vimeo.com/196096543). Take low inference notes using this scriipting tool (See attached).

The teacher identifies the standard for the lesson as 6.EE.A.4:

Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of which number y stands for.

Unpack the standard against the aspects of rigor: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world problem-solving. Is the lesson addressing the standard?

Step 2: Review the student work samples (see attached) from the lesson.

Step 3: Assess the quality of the lesson and answer the following questions in APA format. Cite your sources:

Where do you see evidence of alignment to grade-level standards and shifts? Where do you see evidence of cultural relevance?
Where are opportunities for improvement?
If this lesson was typical of all math lessons in the school, what instructional leadership practice would you prioritize? Why?


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