Discuss the symbolism used in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.” How do these symbolic elements add to the theme or meaning of the story?

Write a well-developed essay of at least 500 words on one of the following topics. Construct your essay according to the standard format of essay writing (introduction, 2-4 body paragraphs, and a conclusion). Be sure to include the title of the story and the author’s name in the introductory paragraph as well as a clearly stated thesis. Titles of short stories should be in quotation marks.

Use literary terms when applicable, and use information from the stories to support your thesis. DO NOT RETELL THE STORY—THAT IS NOT YOUR ASSIGNMENT. You must have a point to make about the story. Do not use the title of the story for the title of your essay. Titles should reflect your idea about the topic. You may use your textbook, but do not use outside sources for your essay.

1. Discuss “The Most Dangerous Game” in terms of irony. What aspects of the story are ironic? Explain and give examples for your support.

2. Discuss the symbolism used in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.” How do these symbolic elements add to the theme or meaning of the story?

3. Think about the effectiveness of Bradbury’s use of personification (giving human traits to inanimate objects), and discuss the conflict between the protagonist (the house/technology) and the antagonist (nature) in “There Will Come Soft Rains.”

4. Knowing that suspense is what makes the reader want to continue reading to see what happens next, discuss the elements of suspense in “The Lottery.” How appropriate is the use of the surprise ending to this story?

5. Write a character analysis of one of the men from “Hunters in the Snow.” Consider how the character is presented as well as physical attributes, background information, and psychological make- up.

Remember to use Times New Roman, 12 point font and double space everything. In the upper left-hand corner, put the following information – Your Name, Benson, Eng. 102, Essay 1 – date

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