Music Theory Question-What is the tone quality of the tune?

Analysis for American popular music class. Please check the Essay Formatting note for format instructions. The essay must be 750 words. You must choose songs from the playlists attached to this assignment.
Using the following playlist pick one or two songs to write an analysis of. If you chose two you must compare and contrast them.
Please use the book if needed: here

There are three things you are listening for and expected to describe:
What instruments/voices do you hear?
What is the tone quality of the tune?
What is the mood of the music?
After you analyze these things answer two more questions:
Where do you think this music would be performed?
Do you like the music you chose? Why or why not?
You must choose songs from the playlists attached to this assignment.

Essay format:

Essays must begin with a header which includes the assignment name, the name of the course, your name, and the date.

The preferred font and size are Times New Roman size 12, and the document should be double space. If any references are used most courses will use APA formatting, as will this one. Here are websites to help with citing works:

General Format – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University
In the opening paragraph, please include the song you are writing about and the performer of the piece and the composer or songwriter.
There is a 750 word minimum. Most word processors have word count tools to check to make sure you are at least meeting the minimum.

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