Analyze the fingermark and the fingerprint for Set 1 – independently – and note a maximum of 15 minutiae (if applicable).

This exercise aims to apply the ACE-V process in order to address whether the fingermark and the fingerprint originate from the same source.


You are provided with 4 sets of fingermarks and fingerprints, and, for each, you are asked to:

1. Analyze the fingermark and the fingerprint for Set 1 – independently – and note a maximum of 15 minutiae (if applicable).

2. Minutiae shall be marked using the GYRO theory.

3.You might print them and use markers or import them in some image editing software.

4.Document your findings prior to moving to the next step.

5. Proceed with the comparison step and then the evaluation step using one of the reporting methods – of your choice – ( comparison steps include- 1. Selection of the reference exemplar.

2. Analysis of the reference exemplar. 3. Recording of concordances and differences between the mark and the reference exemplar) evaluation step includes

1.Elimination 2. Individualization 3. Insufficient uniqueness to individualize

The elimination opinion is obvious: the specific details are not the same, and therefore, the donors are different. Elimination usually takes place at an earlier stage of the identification process.
An opinion of individualization is unambiguous. The details in both prints are in agreement and, there is sufficient uniqueness present in the friction ridge detail to eliminate all other possible donors.

Despite some agreement, few details are present or lack quality, so an opinion on individualization cannot be formed. The examiner cannot distinguish the origin of the mark in question from others that could have left a mark of similar appearance.
6. Repeat the process for Sets 2, 3, and 4.
7. Send your findings and conclusions to your instructor.

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