Analyze the importance of community policing strategies and examine how specific community oriented policing programs enhance police-community relations and reduce crime.

Choose a Community Policing Program of your choice to research, analyze, and learn more about. The paper must address Student Learning Outcome 2 on the Course Syllabus: “Analyze the importance of community policing strategies and examine how specific community oriented policing programs enhance police-community relations and reduce crime.” Select ONE current Community Oriented Policing Program of your choice, provide a brief overview of the program, and discuss how the program enhances community relations and reduces crime. Must provide strong analysis, such as at least one statistic or empirical piece of data to support how the program specifically reduces crime and enhances community relations. The paper MUST also include a definition of community oriented policing from an outside source (e.g. textbook, article, etc.). 5-6-page paper (including title and reference pages) using American Psychological Association (APA). Paper Guidelines: Address SLO #2: “Analyze the importance of community policing strategies and examine how specific community-oriented policing programs enhance police-community relations and reduce crime.”

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