In a paper of 1,000 words, describe an organization with which you have direct personal experience and which appears to fit the characteristics of a bureaucracy, as listed in Chapter 6 of Our Social World: An Introduction to Sociology.

The goal of this assignment is for you to use your life experience as data to understand the nature and function of a bureaucracy. In a paper of 1,000 words, describe an organization with which you have direct personal experience and which appears to fit the characteristics of a bureaucracy, as listed in Chapter 6 … Read more

What is different about their perspectives, and how do you think it will affect the overall performance evaluation of these companies?

This discussion topic will span two weeks to Module Eight. In Module Seven, you will post your initial response, and then in Module Eight, you will assess other learners’ posts and provide them with your input. This allows you additional time to make your initial post strong, robust, and well-supported. In Module Seven, consider the … Read more

Find and listen to another nursing podcast episode (either Amplify Nursing or another podcast series) about nursing leadership. You may not choose the same episode as a classmate (so it pays to get going on this early!).

Find and listen to another nursing podcast episode (either Amplify Nursing or another podcast series) about nursing leadership. You may not choose the same episode as a classmate (so it pays to get going on this early!). Paste the link to it in your discussion post and write a 2-3 sentence summary and “pitch”—convince your … Read more

What are the professional requirements for internationally educated nurses (IENs) migrating to the United States?

Review the following article: Rosenkoetter, M., Nardi, D., & Bowcutt, M. (2017). Internationally educated nurses in transition in the United States: Challenges and mediators. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(3), 139–144. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20170220-10 Additional articles providing background information: Hongyan, L., Wenbo, N., & Junxin, L. (2014). The benefits and caveats of international nurse … Read more

Discuss how sales promotion relates to overall promotion. C. Public Relations: Which commercial demonstrates the strongest emphasis on public relations?

TV Commercial Analysis Overview: In this assignment, you will analyze TV commercials as examples of key marketing principles. Your goal is to connect the content of these commercials to specific course concepts. Commercial Age: The TV commercials you choose must have aired within the last 12 months. Source Flexibility: It is not required that the … Read more

Consider revisiting the Writing Effective Comparison/Contrast Essays tutorial about brainstorming and organizing comparison/contrast writing.

Consider revisiting the Writing Effective Comparison/Contrast Essays tutorial about brainstorming and organizing comparison/contrast writing. You might find it helpful to outline your topic choice using one of the two organization options for this Touchstone to kick-start writing this comparison/contrast essay.