What might this tell us about Socrates’ role as a philosopher, why doesn’t Socrates offer a definition?

It turns out some cliches are true. This is especially the case when it comes to writing and the old adage “good writing shows, it doesn’t tell.” This paper is going to ask you to show the problems in defining justice as explored throughout Bk. I of Plato’s Republic. You’ll want to recreate the argument … Read more

Health and Medicine-In a 2-3 page paper, research the history of its origin, how it became a negative stigma, whether the negative association has diminished over time and become more accepted

This assignment is designed to assess the following course competency(s) A clinical assessment is an evaluation of a client’s psychological, biological and social factors for a diagnosis to be determined based on the criteria set forth in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5). However, caution must be … Read more

How can badges contribute to a culture of continuous learning and professional growth?

This Discussion aims to spark a critical and creative exploration of how digital badging can be used to recognize and foster professional development (PD) across the professions. Drawing upon the insights from the week’s materials and your own experience and understanding of digital badges, answer all of the following: Applications: How are digital badges currently … Read more

Healthcare-Describe any issues that you identify regarding workflows or processes and any recommendations that you have to resolve them.

-Discuss the challenges that healthcare clinical leaders encounter as they support their staff during changes in technology and information systems adopted in their practice setting. Describe any issues that you identify regarding workflows or processes and any recommendations that you have to resolve them. Support your statements with in-text citations from at least three peer-reviewed … Read more

Health and Medicine-Why was it important to surgically excise and examine this mole?

Presentation (Unit 3/4 ): 48-year-old man with suspicious-looking mole on his back. History: Max Burnell, a single, 48-year-old avid long-distance runner previously in good health, presented to his primary physician for a yearly physical examination, during which a suspicious-looking mole was noticed on the back of his left arm, just proximal to the elbow. He … Read more

Why a Rights-Based Approach to Health?

What is meant by “the right to health”? What are the key features of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights concerning health? How might one carry out a “human rights approach” to health in global health efforts? How could one encourage countries and their development partners to pay greater attention to human rights issues in … Read more

How Culture Affects Health-What population of the country is most affected by the health concern you have chosen? How does culture play a role in the overall health concern you have chosen? This can include religious beliefs

Using the country you chose from Week 1 and data gathered from the course textbooks, the South University Online Library, and websites (World Health Organization, United Nations, etc.), Choose a health concern affecting your country. This can be a disease, nutrition-related deficits, behavioral concerns, environmental concerns, etc. On the basis of your research, create a … Read more

Identify the people accountable for implementation of the plan and describe their roles.

First, review the full scenario and associated data in the Assessment 03 Supplement: Disaster Recover Plan [PDF] Download Assessment 03 Supplement: Disaster Recover Plan [PDF]resource Develop a disaster recovery plan for the community that will reduce health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster. Assess community needs. Consider resources, personnel, budget, and community … Read more

How would you actually send each of these messages, assuming you couldn’t deliver the information in person? Would you use email, a text message, or some other form of communication?

PURPOSE: WHAT WORK AM I TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH? Every piece of writing has a purpose, even if that purpose is small or difficult to put into words. Your purpose in writing can refer to anything you want the reader to think, be, or do after they’ve read your writing. In a typical workplace, the purpose … Read more