After watching this week’s VL on Transcendentalism, select a passage from either “Meditations” or “The One in All” by Margaret Fuller (see links in LU) that you think best exemplifies a Transcendentalist belief or idea discussed in the lecture.

After watching this week’s VL on Transcendentalism, select a passage from either “Meditations” or “The One in All” by Margaret Fuller (see links in LU) that you think best exemplifies a Transcendentalist belief or idea discussed in the lecture. Then explain both the idea or belief and how you see it reflected in the passage.

Provide a two-to-three sentence overview of what your paper will be about. This should include both the problem/condition and the policy response.

Homelessness in Kentucky and the Safer Kentucky Act. This assignment should be formatted as a paper with two sections. Section 1 will be your annotated bibliography and Section 2 will be your conceptual planning document/outline. FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, LABEL THIS AS SECTION 1: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography will include at least eight references – of … Read more

Provides valuable insights into their current knowledge and skills. This initial evaluation allows educators to tailor the unit to meet the diverse needs of the students, ensuring that the content is neither too easy nor too challenging.

Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Descriiption Pre-assessment of students before developing a unit is crucial because it provides valuable insights into their current knowledge and skills. This initial evaluation allows educators to tailor the unit to meet the diverse needs of the students, ensuring that the content is neither too easy nor too challenging. By understanding where … Read more

Criminal attitudes and behavioral patterns. Each of these domains/constructs contains several ordinal level questions which are aggregated to a single interval level measure.

Similar to our earlier Program Planning Simulation, we’re pretending that you are an administrator for a local probation agency. The agency adopted the use of the ORAS Community Supervision Tool (CST) to assess probationers’ risks of committing crime. As you can see on the ORAS CST, each offender is assessed on seven constructs, which include: … Read more

Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN and PMC program and as a practicing nurse.

When was the last time you read Meditation XVII of John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions? Unless you are a student of seventeenth-century poetry, you may not be all that familiar with this piece. However, you may be much more familiar with one of its well-known phrases: “No man is an island…”. As you begin … Read more

Create an Infographic sharing the future of informatics. Start with where we are now and where we are heading regarding a specific topic of your choice.

Instructions The Future of Nursing Informatics Assignment (Infographic) (Topic must be different than Nursing Informatics Applications). Create an Infographic sharing the future of informatics. Start with where we are now and where we are heading regarding a specific topic of your choice. Some ideas include: Big Data Privacy & Security Ethics Bioinformatics Informatics Education/E-Learning Patient … Read more

Demonstrate the year-end adjustment process in the preparation of a business’s financial documentation Apply generally accepted accounting principles in preparing financial statements

Overview The production and analysis of financial statements are core tasks for accounting professionals. The activities for this final project have traditionally been performed monthly by accountants in most organizations. However, with automation making accounting more efficient, many executives are requiring even more frequent financial statements. This new reality further underscores the need for accurate … Read more

How did your response change with each version? Which was your favorite? Why?

Reflection Paper Purpose The purpose of this reflection paper is to work to make sense of what you read based on A Modest Proposal and the different types of reader-response criticism. Reflection Paper Instructions For this Reading Journal, you want to work as a reader response critic. Review the different types of reader-response criticism and … Read more

The Mind and Mental Health in Horror-discuss how each of these films conform, modify or abandon standard approaches to these conditions.

3-5 pages, double-spaced. (750-100 words) Standard essay format No research required; but if used, it must be correctly cited. MLA or APA style (your choice) Papers automatically run through plagiarism software to confirm originality. Upload a file attachment (Canvas won’t read Pages, so convert document to PDF, RTF or .docx) Graded for level of insight, … Read more