Write a paper that focuses on spiritual risk. Specifically, the student will choose one of the kings in either 1 or 2 Kings and evaluate the effectiveness of that king as it pertains to risk management.

PIRITUALRISKPAPERASSIGNMENTINSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This assignment is designed to help the student in the field of theory development. By considering risk management theory through the lens of scripture and theology, the student should be able to begin to see risk as applied to people at a deeper level than most modern theory considers. By wrestling with and … Read more

What, if any, are the strengths of this document? What, if any, are the weaknesses of this document?

This DP (Discussion Post) is related to document design and illustrations in particular. For transparency:I had a different idea for this week’s DP, but  opted to change it after receiving and email about events around campus! Given your growing expertise of assessing document design and visuals,  want you all to use this DP to offer … Read more

Where do you think your classmates’ posts made strong points and where could their posts have been strengthened?

Return to Discussion Thread: The Value of Integration from Module 2: Week 2 and reply to 2 of your peers. In your responses to at least 2 classmates, you must challenge your classmates and expand the discussion. Eliminate simple “I agree” statements. Where do you think your classmates’ posts made strong points and where could … Read more

Building a character for my monolouge-Using the text to find given circumstances from the playwright to answer the questions, you then get to use your imagination to come up with what isn’t given to you by the text. You get to make character choices that are exciting to you to bring to life

Using the text to find given circumstances from the playwright to answer the questions, you then get to use your imagination to come up with what isn’t given to you by the text. You get to make character choices that are exciting to you to bring to life This is a very condensed version of … Read more

Explain activities and functions suitable for outsourcing to acquire or strengthen competitive advantage.

E. STRATEGY FORMULATION: FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY AND THE STRATEGIC CHOICE PROCESS providing at least one example for each topic. These examples may present positive or negative outcomes. a. The variety of functional strategies that an organization can use to achieve its goals and objectives. b. The activities and functions suitable for outsourcing to acquire or strengthen … Read more

How can Bobsville leverage renewable energy to support the power and communications infrastructure needed for short-, intermediate-, and term-recovery requirements?

Based on the information provided this week, scenario 4: part 1, you will answer a series of questions concerning the issues around response and recovery of the attack. Identify any additional requirements, critical issues, decisions, or questions you may have at this time. Directions For this assignment, answer the following questions over Scenario 4, Part … Read more

Research Project (The Black Panther Party)-Evaluation, Primary Source Analysis and Scholarly Article Review.

Assignment Directions: As you begin to write your introduction, please make sure that your final draft includes the following as well as follows the structure provided below. The Introduction Paper will be carefully structured, composed, and proofread, with all required components included in the correct order. Format: The Introductory Paper should be typed in a … Read more

Using different ideas we can work on items and solutions. We get these ideas based on our knowledge and experiences, these factors influence what our ideas can be. With human creativity, we have been able to solve problems in creative but clever ways.

Classmate 1: Our ideas come from needs, passion, or curiosity. Humans are naturally curious creatures, which allows us to use creative ideas to tackle problems and create solutions. Using different ideas we can work on items and solutions. We get these ideas based on our knowledge and experiences, these factors influence what our ideas can … Read more