What is your networking plan as a marking student who is also in Delta Sigma PI the business frat? How many new connections do you plan to make this term?

Prior to watching this video, was the idea of networking intimidating? Why/why not? What identify two takeaways from the videos? How will you implement these when networking at Career Fairs and/or informal opportunities (i.e. attending a presentation by a speaker, etc) What is your networking plan as a marking student who is also in Delta … Read more

S1 US Health Care Expenditures-the percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on health care in the U.S. Please provide internet references. 9 points.

US Health Care Expenditures. Report on the following health care expenditure for the US: 1) the total number of dollars spent on health care in the U.S. (2020); 2) the numbers of dollars spent per capita in the U.S.; 3) the percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on health care in the U.S. Please … Read more

How does the article introduce its main topic and argument? What kinds of specialized language does the author use, and what does that language suggest about his/her intended audience?

Assignment: Business scholars compose books and articles within a specialized discourse community whose members communicate to achieve a broadly agreed upon set of common goals. Select an article published in a scholarly business journal and critically analyze its rhetorical strategies. Consider the following questions: How does the article introduce its main topic and argument? What … Read more

How does the article introduce its main topic and argument? What kinds of specialized language does the author use, and what does that language suggest about his/her intended audience?

Assignment: Business scholars compose books and articles within a specialized discourse community whose members communicate to achieve a broadly agreed upon set of common goals. Select an article published in a scholarly business journal and critically analyze its rhetorical strategies. Consider the following questions: How does the article introduce its main topic and argument? What … Read more

According to the textbook, describe some of the trends in terrorist activities. Analyze the role that media plays in terrorism?

Question 1: According to the textbook, describe some of the trends in terrorist activities. Analyze the role that media plays in terrorism? Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font … Read more

According to the textbook, describe some of the trends in terrorist activities. Analyze the role that media plays in terrorism?

Question 1: According to the textbook, describe some of the trends in terrorist activities. Analyze the role that media plays in terrorism? Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font … Read more

Business Development – What are the services that you provide or the work that you do?

JUST FOCUS ON EVERYTHING IN GREEN Here is the original descriiption of the assignment: Hide Assignment Information Instructions Please upload here with file titled as “Your Last Name Bus Plan Final” I.e. “KolosineBusinessPlanFinal” FINAL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Bio in some form for creatives especially. Why / How / … Read more

Business Development – What are the services that you provide or the work that you do?

JUST FOCUS ON EVERYTHING IN GREEN Here is the original descriiption of the assignment: Hide Assignment Information Instructions Please upload here with file titled as “Your Last Name Bus Plan Final” I.e. “KolosineBusinessPlanFinal” FINAL PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Bio in some form for creatives especially. Why / How / … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more