Choose a peer-reviewed article from a discipline-specific journal. Study the article closely to gain a deep understanding of it and write a post that provides an overview of its key findings, arguments, and implications.

Choose a peer-reviewed article from a discipline-specific journal. Study the article closely to gain a deep understanding of it and write a post that provides an overview of its key findings, arguments, and implications. Think carefully about why this article is relevant for the readers of this blog, which readers should be most interested in … Read more

In what ways do you think career counseling skills could be applied to help retired individuals redefine their purpose or explore new opportunities in this stage of life?

Please respond to each prompt in 250 words , using the prompt as a header. Please utilize at least one scholarly resource in each of your response and include APA7 formatting. 1. In what ways do you think career counseling skills could be applied to help retired individuals redefine their purpose or explore new opportunities … Read more