Provide at least 10 sources to support your claims (Peer-reviewed articles and other books). (If an author is not cited in your paper, please do not place that author’s information on the reference page or vice-versa).

Using APA format, write a 3 – 5 page paper on one of the topics below. Use bolded headers when necessary throughout the paper and create flow. The paper should be in Times New Roman 12 pt font with 1-inch margin all around, and double-spaced. Any page should be at least ¾ full to be … Read more

LNG exports to Philippines and Taiwan-Write a letter to the U.S. Sect. Of Energy under the Trump and Vance administration for request of LNG exports to Taiwan and Philippines.

Assignment ! Write a letter to the U.S. Sect. Of Energy under the Trump and Vance administration for request of LNG exports to Taiwan and Philippines. The bilateral alliance with the United States is the cornerstone of Taiwan and Philippines defense and security policy, and forging close ties with the sitting president Donald J. Trump. … Read more

Mobility That Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle-You are the nurse of an older adult who is being discharged and need to provide education for the promotion of safe ambulation. in 300 words, how can mobility promote a healthy lifestyle?

Mobility can have either a positive or negative impact on our patient’s lives. You are the nurse of an older adult who is being discharged and need to provide education for the promotion of safe ambulation. in 300 words, how can mobility promote a healthy lifestyle?

Identify and evaluate the significant trade agreements affecting global commerce Skills

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. Students must mention question number clearly in … Read more

Caroline Behavior change-How will you measure your progress? Describe your measurement tool and what you will be tracking each week

For this assignment, you will create your own behavior change goal. By using the information from Discussion 2 and SMART Goals, and after you have submitted this assignment and received my feedback, you will try to make progress towards or reach your goal during this semester. You will tell me about your experience at the … Read more

What was the Dimension of Wellness you need to improve the most and what is one strategy to improve in this area?

Assignment 2 For this assignment, you will create your own behavior change goal. By using the information from Discussion 2 and SMART Goals, and after you have submitted this assignment and received my feedback, you will try to make progress towards or reach your goal during this semester. You will tell me about your experience … Read more

When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.What did you enjoy about each of the three classes?

Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog Description states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.” You are required to exercise 3 times per week. Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long. When you have completed all three classes you will submit your … Read more

Create a 2–3 minute video where you state and then answer each question.

Preparation: Read Chapter 4 and view the PowerPoint Chapter 4 Techno-Social Designin Download Chapter 4 Techno-Social Designing Part 1 Prompt: As you review the Chapter 4 PowerPoint, select 2 different question slides to answer. Create a 2-3 minute video where you state and then answer each question. Part 2 Commenting: Watch the other students’ videos … Read more

Show respect and sensitivity to peers’ gender, cultural and linguistic background, political, and religious beliefs

Instructions: After going through each and every reading in detail these are readings which are below I have provided pdf write an original initial discussion post of 250 -260 words that conveys your thoughts about the following question: The Unit 03 Discussion is based on the following required reading: READING-1 Passion Part 1 – The … Read more

Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective.

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. Students must mention question number clearly in … Read more