Show the breakdown of hospital admissions by age, then by transportation method (admit type) and by gender for all patients. (Two different graphs; only two graphs). What kind of a hospital is this?

Download the database included on this Canvas tab and answer the following using Excel and/or Power BI: 1. Show the breakdown of hospital admissions by age, then by transportation method (admit type) and by gender for all patients. (Two different graphs; only two graphs). What kind of a hospital is this? 2. Show the relationship … Read more

Develop ethical and culturally equitable economic strategies to address dynamic environmental forces and ensure the future security of an organization’s resources and its ability to provide quality care.

Please read the paper and make the require changes necessary. Also, please highlight the changes made (1) Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered Identify any socioeconomic or diversity disparities that exist with how your chosen … Read more

Define and Database ENTITIES

Produce an ER Model for the following scenario (presented in Step 1 below) and business need, for the Pythagoras Math Academy. Reference the attached video (Course Project Ph2 Video.mp4), for a full introduction and demonstration and expectations for this project. Deliverables: ER Model for the scenario presented. You have the option to use MS Visio … Read more

Explain the applicable concepts from the course. If your project is focused on a particular organization, explain how these concepts apply to that organization. What is the organization doing well?

Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper. Abstract: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 250- to 300-word summary that would be appropriate to indicate the essence of your project. Table of Contents: Your table of contents should list each section of your … Read more

Explain The Discipleship Relationship Between Paul and Timothy

Paul and Timothy (Acts 16, 1 Timothy 1, 2 Timothy 1-2, 1 Thessalonians 3) Make notes of universal truths about discipleship that can be gleaned from this relationship. *Universal truths are principles found in scripture that are not specific to the original audience, but can have implications for the universal church across time, space, and … Read more

Choose at least THREE (3) things to discuss in your memo. Each of these should be discussed with its own HEADING and information under that heading.

You will write a memo using proper memo writing format (see instructions in the How To section of this class) Each week engage in a digital experience of your choice (do something online, ideally that you have not done before, but you may also want to choose some activities that are familiar to you). These … Read more

Given this information, explain how you think your approach to consultation would differ across these environments. Be sure to cite your sources to support your opinions.

The application of applied behavior analysis consultation across schools and organizations has similarities and differences with regard to the overall objectives, assessment procedures, interventions, monitoring, and maintenance. In this discussion, compare and contrast the use of ABA across these environments, making sure to highlight the similarities and differences within the consultative process in clinical vs. … Read more

Why did you choose this particular person? How do you think counseling or rehabilitative measures would have helped this person overcome their struggles?

Each week, we have been introduced to a different Youth. In week 1 , we learned about an elementary school girl by the name of Gabby. We watched her journey start with academic struggles and then home life struggles and end with her ultimately dropping out of school and being detained for selling drugs. In … Read more

Examine how the researchers dealt with the questions of validity and reliability within the studies.

Your term/research project will require that you work from two peer-reviewed journal articles. Dr. Sussman posted 4 sets of articles. Each set consists of two articles. One article is qualitative research, and the other article is quantitative research (analytical statistics). Both articles focus on a similar topic of interest to public administration and/or public policy. … Read more