United states Immigration reform-What are the goals or desired outcomes of the policy or program?

Topic: United states Immigration reform. Describe how you would plan/propose to evaluate the policy or program by employing the methods, techniques, etc., which are covered in the course. Do not evaluate the policy or program, you are only expected to describe how you would go about evaluating the policy or program. The proposal must be … Read more

Choose topic based on the articles-How to raise the world’s IQ. (2024, Jul 13). The Economist, 452, 9. Retrieved from

– read the instructions on how to write mini OP-ED. Make sure the topic is in relevant with the lecture slides and the article. 200 words do the regular version. Chapter 4 (Poverty) of: World Bank Group. 2015. World Development Report 2015 : Mind, Society, and Behavior. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/20597 … Read more

Consider expanding on how your sources represent diverse perspectives. Including multiple viewpoints strengthens your argument and demonstrates a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Consider expanding on how your sources represent diverse perspectives. Including multiple viewpoints strengthens your argument and demonstrates a well-rounded understanding of the topic. When discussing bias, provide a clearer explanation of how biased sources could impact your argument. Recognizing and addressing bias is crucial for developing a strong and credible persuasive essay. Ensure that each … Read more

An arrow of time, which distinguishes the past from the future and gives direction to time, is exemplified by the increase of disorder or entropy with time.” – Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time

What Is Time? “An arrow of time, which distinguishes the past from the future and gives direction to time, is exemplified by the increase of disorder or entropy with time.” – Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time Last week we talked about the structure of space, which led us to a discussion of spacetime, … Read more

Finding the Right Balance-Is the current law too close to de novo review – or just about right? What else would you want to know to make this assessment?

Side PanelExpand side panel Table of Contents Module 6 | Challenging the Rationality and Reasoning of Administrative Agencies in Court Module 6 | Discussion: Finding the Right Balance Module 6 | Discussion: Finding the Right Balance Discussion Icon Finding the Right Balance Given the important functions that arbitrariness review serves but also the dynamics that … Read more

Compare and contrast elements of each text/author arguments (What are the similarities?

Project instructions: you will write a thesis-driven rhetorical analysis of two texts or sources, related to your semester topic on a social, environmental, economic, or local issue. You need to look specifically at texts that directly address a contemporary ethical problem or question related to your issue of choice. This involves researching and finding articles … Read more

Providing convincing arguments and/or recommendations based on evidence from the case The report does not provide convincing arguments or much evidence from the case

Applying the appropriate theoretical framework(s) and/or concepts from the textbook The report demonstrates a superficial application of the theoretical framework(s) and/or concepts, and does not fully discuss many aspects of case. The report demonstrates an acceptable application of the theoretical framework(s) and/or concepts, and fully discusses some aspects of case. The report demonstrates an exemplary … Read more