Describe advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay plans. Give job-specific examples in your advantages and disadvantages.

For this assignment, compose an essay of at least five pages in which you discuss the following issues involving person-focused pay plans: Detail various types of person-focused pay plans. Describe reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and identify types of positions that lend themselves to these plans. Describe advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay … Read more

Evaluate your local school’s performance and how the data impacts future school board policy.

For this assignment, you are going to act as an administrator dealing with a sudden shift to online education. Discuss the political factors that influence changes in education at the local level that will affect how you handle the situation. Evaluate your local school’s performance and how the data impacts future school board policy. Check … Read more

Write a Paragraph about a time you went somewhere with one other person that has Perfect Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Write a Paragraph about a time you went somewhere with one other person that has Perfect Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (all sentences must have the sentence type in brackets at the end (simple, complex, or compound). The paragraph must contain at least one of each type. Also, must show with correct usage of nominative … Read more

Nursing’s Role in Decision Making-discuss what the nursing’s role is and/or should be in decision making regarding selecting information systems.

After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss what the nursing’s role is and/or should be in decision making regarding selecting information systems. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth … Read more

Sexuality and hetero sexism-What struck you as you explored the course materials this week? What insights have you had?

Week 5 Open Forum This discussion forum is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you; share critical insights and questions that you are working with; share your struggles and triumphs; and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week. Your initial post should describe your experiences in the course this past week, … Read more

Discuss the barriers that may impede effective interaction among the personnel present during the sentinel event.

Provide a summary of the following aspects of a root cause analysis related to the sentinel event found in the attached Accreditation Audit Case Study Artifacts by doing the following: 1. Describe the sentinel event. 2. Explain the roles (i.e. responsibilities, etc.) of the personnel present during the sentinel event. 3. Discuss the barriers that … Read more

What is a Proof of Concept?

Whether you ultimately aspire to make films or not, the approach to this class is as if you do. Making a short film is a terrific place to start, but it’s important to keep in mind that short films are usually only a means to an end. The end is to be able to continue … Read more

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research-What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research?

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? Respond to your peer post below. Post should be scholarly written, APA formatted 7th edition. Minimum of 2 references. There are primarily two different types of research: quantitative and qualitative. To put it simply, quantitative research provides objective numerical data while qualitative research focuses on subjective, … Read more

Based on the provided investment decks. Decide wether to accept or decline the investment proposition and how much to invest in case investment is approved.

Based on the provided investment decks. Decide wether to accept or decline the investment proposition and how much to invest in case investment is approved. You will have to chose between (1) the real estate BTS Opportunity €42M or (2) a startup investor deck: 2. Startup investor deck The decision must be justified, and a … Read more