Explain whether you think the affected organization handled the security incident correctly. Additionally, explain whether the organization could have done more to communicate with customers. What did the organization do well, and what did it do poorly in response to the breach?

DISCUSSION QUESTON(S): Incident response is a key component in a security awareness program. While not all incidents can be prevented, incident response capabilities can detect and reduce the losses resulting from security attacks. Conduct a search for a security incident that occurred within the last four years and resulted in the breach of more than … Read more

Identify the elements you will need in order to create your solution and include them in each of the appropriate phases of your diagram.

1. For this assignment, you will evaluate the systems development life cycle (SDLC) methodology by creating a diagram for an information system. Carefully review the ISM500 SDLC Diagram Scenario and formulate a solution for the problem presented in the scenario. Your paper must include the following elements: 2. Create a diagram of the systems development … Read more

Business and Economics-Find a relevant and academic source, which relates to our current unit topic — one that you can reasonably understand

Read Chapter 10 of your textbook, the case below, and the videos, and respond to the following four questions: Links to an external site. In this chapter, you learned about some retailers that convert their whole store into a “being space.” How does this concept apply to the RH strategy and how might it affect … Read more

Identify and appraise the first selected course concept related to a minimum of 2 course exemplars listed in the assignment instructions.

Instructions Course Concepts Presentation For this assignment, you will choose two (2) of the course concepts that were discussed this term and create a 10 slide professional visual PowerPoint presentation. NOTE: The 10 slides do not include the title slide or reference slide. First, pick two (2) course concepts from the list below: Safety Healthcare … Read more

Discuss the structural strengths and weaknesses of each argument.

Read the various perspectives on the death penalty. Evaluate each argument for validity and soundness. Discuss the structural strengths and weaknesses of each argument. Discuss who has the stronger argument? Why? You will respond 2 of my peers post . Discussion post 300+ words , Peers post 170+ words https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2016/10/death-throes https://billofrightsinstitute.org/e-lessons/gregg-v-georgia-1976 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/memo_11_669

Which management scholar do you find to be the most influential and important, and how would you incorporate their approach into your managerial approach?

Hi, the assignment is from the Principles of Management- OpenStax book, the questions at the end of the chapter marked Management Decision Exercises (Marked as “MDE” on syllabus). Please complete this in either MLA or APA format with one page minimum in 12pt Times New Roman. Here are the question, please answer them using the … Read more

You should talk about the value of CRM in the context of the information provided in the article.

Select an article that is not related to aviation (Article attached below), one that is interesting to you, and one you believe answers the question “Why CRM (Crew Resource Management)?” After you have reviewed the article, write a summary of the article (one paragraph, double spaced, about 1/3 to 1/2 a page), and then give … Read more

What is the intended effect of the object? What mood / feelings / actions does it want to create?

As we continue to think about rhetoric as naming the relationship between design and effect, we can begin to consider almost anything rhetorically, even the objects that we encounter in everyday life. With that in mind, consider the following: Think about the design of objects that you encounter daily or the spaces that you might … Read more

Your task is to review the literature related to the Mind-Body Problem and write a reaction paper on the topic.

Price is low, but you are given plenty of time for this assignment!** One of the more controversial issues in the study of psychology has been the mind-body problem. Consequently, scholars have argued for a very long time about how the mind (i.e., mental qualities) can be distinguished from the body and all other physical … Read more

Described in terms of the physical processes that generate them, the geographical areas that are most commonly at risk, the types of impacts and typical magnitude of hazard events, and hazard-specific issues of emergency response.

During Week 5 we will discuss the principal environmental hazards that are of greatest concern to emergency managers in communities throughout the United States. Each of these hazards will be described in terms of the physical processes that generate them, the geographical areas that are most commonly at risk, the types of impacts and typical … Read more