Write an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page, reference page, tables, and figures) about the approved policy you selected at the beginning of the semester

Instructions For the capstone research paper, you will write an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page, reference page, tables, and figures) about the approved policy you selected at the beginning of the semester (Capstone Paper Topics). The purpose of this paper is to provide a synopsis of the policy’s background/history, purpose, goal(s), implementation, and … Read more

Consider reviewing the video below How to Write and Talk about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design

Assignment: Form and Principles Learning how to explore and apply knowledge of the elements and principles of visual organization to conduct a formal analysis of an artwork is one of the learning outcomes of this course. This assignment prepares you to write about the formal elements and the principles of design of an artwork. Please … Read more

African- american film studies-Use the citation given in News Bank to make your Works Cited page. Follow instructions.

1. Select a topic from NewsBank. Once you have settled on a good article, make your Works Cited page with the GALILEO provided citation. 2. Select a passage of about 300 words, a passage with good information on the topic. Use the sample at the end of this handout. Read and understand the passage. Take … Read more

Research systematic review-Is the review question clearly and explicitly stated? What is the purpose, objective, and/or question of the systematic review

In this assessment, you are required to critique a systematic literature review using short answer questions adapted from the JBI Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses (JBI 2020). You will also use GenAI to generate an initial critique of the systematic review, which you will then evaluate for accuracy. Your task is to critique … Read more

Write in third person only. It’s a good idea to include a signal phrase, direct quote or paraphrase, and a parenthetical citation within each summary.

This week, you will submit an annotated bibliography for two (2) of your sources for the final project paper. Both sources should be scholarly (peer-reviewed) and from the APUS Library. Read the instructions for upcoming assignments so you will have a good idea of sources you might need. Each source (listed in alphabetical order) should … Read more

Key coding and classification systems-Demonstrate your understanding of the coding system by providing the name of the code.

Overview In healthcare, it is important to understand the use of classification systems, nomenclature, and clinical vocabularies. In this activity, you will learn about the key coding and classification systems used by clinicians, insurance carriers, state and federal regulatory organizations, and researchers. Instructions For this activity, you will need to understand the uses for coded … Read more

Analyze the legal standing and situation of a specific business to achieve a defined result.

Scenario Mowers, Inc., a fictional company, has a flourishing lawn care business. The business has two full-time employees who have been with the company for five years. All employees are trained on using the lawn equipment and, upon being hired signed a waiver-of-liability contract limiting liability for the company. The owner, Brian, tells his employees … Read more

Have you considered seeing xyz (give a recommendation specific to the POP)?

Readings: San Pedro, T., & Kinloch, V. (2017). Toward projects in humanization: Research on co-creating and sustaining dialogic relationships. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1 Suppl), 373S–394S. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831216671210   Instructions: In this activity, you will connect with interested parties working in the field and get feedback on your POP systems model. Connect with interested parties working … Read more

Students are encouraged to evaluate the article without specific guidelines but rather to critically reflect on the nature of research articles.

Task Description and Purpose The initial assessment of a research article is designed to aid students who lack prior knowledge of research and have limited experience in reading research articles to grasp the fundamental concepts of research. Students are tasked with identifying a social work research article (or an article related to social work). As … Read more

Explain the impact of social media use on adolescent development

After choosing your topic, you are welcome to further narrow its scope to a specific individual difference variable (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic or racial background) and/or context (e.g., a specific geographic location), if desired. For example, you may be interested in researching the impact of social media use on Asian male teens. … Read more