Do you think this will assist in reducing mass incarceration? Why, or why not? Can you have it done today for me to submit later.

Select and provide a summary of one of the recent legislative measures designed to reduce mass incarceration (Second Chance Act, Fair Sentencing Act, or First Step Act). Do you think this will assist in reducing mass incarceration? Why, or why not? Can you have it done today for me to submit later.

Are we, as some popular writers suggest, in an “age of anxiety”? Have the good old days of afternoon strolls in the park and summer evenings on the porch been replaced with ever-present pressure to work harder and faster and be better than everyone else?

Examples of how to format your paper are attached. Please follow the template to guide your writing for the assignment. Remember that APA is not the only format, make sure you are making an effort regarding in-text citations. Use your resources regarding in-text citations located in the attachment and the announcements on APA style writing. … Read more

Business and Economics-Product-Based Operations Management Milestone The purpose of the Portfolio Project milestone is to designate the section of your global product-oriented organization as the subject of your Portfolio Project and to construct a high-level outline as stipulated in the common Portfolio Project milestone requirements section above.

Product-Based Operations Management Milestone The purpose of the Portfolio Project milestone is to designate the section of your global product-oriented organization as the subject of your Portfolio Project and to construct a high-level outline as stipulated in the common Portfolio Project milestone requirements section above. This will frame the beginning for your Portfolio Project product-based … Read more

Using the course materials related to TIP, and your own research, apply the Gibb’s reflective framework to describe how you would apply a trauma-informed approach to this hypothetical client interaction.

For this paper you will reflect on what it means to have a trauma-informed practice (TIP). Using the course materials related to TIP, and your own research, apply the Gibb’s reflective framework to describe how you would apply a trauma-informed approach to this hypothetical client interaction. See the case scenario description provided to you in … Read more

quantitative descriptive research article critique-Describe the tools used or how outcomes were measured. Include Cronbach alpha if a tool was used.

Write a narrative critique of the quantitative, descriiptive research article using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal ToolLinks to an external site. and Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary ToolLinks to an external site.. Your critique should be in paragraph format. Present an overview of the article’s findings. Discuss how the article findings relate to the … Read more

Humanizes Data: Data storytelling goes beyond charts and numbers by adding context, history, and emotion. This approach helps to see the larger story behind the data, and the focus on the patient.

Data Analysis and Visualization Activity Data & Analytics Data Life Cycle Data Visualizations Data Storytelling Data Analysis and Visualization Activity Data & Analytics Data is important, but it’s the way it’s presented that can bring about real change. “Data science and data analytics have the potential to transform healthcare in many dimensions. Data science is … Read more

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child-Based on the first letter of your first name you will create a plan using the nursing process (Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation [ADPIE]) that will focus on the given age group:

This topic will focus on children and how to assess for and address their developmental needs. The Search Institute is a nonprofit organization that conducts and applies research to promote positive youth development. In 1994, the Search Institute published “What Kids Need to Succeed” with 40 Developmental Assets for raising children. Please review the 40 … Read more

Discussion: Healthcare Quality Strategies-Which NQS priorities do you feel are vital to healthcare today post pandemic?

Discussion: Healthcare Quality Strategies The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality authored the National Quality Strategy (NQS) in order to set a strategy for improving healthcare quality. The NQS has six priorities: 1. Making care safer by reducing harm caused in the delivery of care 2. Ensuring that each person and family are engaged as … Read more