Psychology Question-What steps will you take to address this situation?

You are facilitating a self-help group for individuals recovering from gambling addiction. The group operates under a peer-led model, with an emphasis on mutual support and shared responsibility for maintaining group norms. One of the group’s foundational rules is confidentiality: what is shared in the group stays in the group. During a session, a new … Read more

Topic Selection Step 4: Reach Conditional Topic Approval-What – What is the event or phenomenon to be examined?

TS Step 4 is worth 70 points (7% of total course grade). See the rubric below for grading details. Be sure your scope is sufficiently narrow. Remember to edit your writing to be clear and to follow standard scholarly convention. Objective: To reach conditional topic approval from your HIST 309 professor. In a Word Document … Read more

Locating Credible Databases and Research-Create a 2-4 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP (evidence based practice) around one of the diagnoses found in the provided PDF supplement and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP.

Create a 2-4 page resource that will describe databases that are relevant to EBP (evidence based practice) around one of the diagnoses found in the provided PDF supplement and could be used to help a new hire nurse better engage in EBP. Please review the scoring guide to ensure a clear understanding of the criteria … Read more

Discuss why you chose this phase (why does it resonate with you or why is it important)?

Introduction Throughout this course, you will be working on a final project with each assignment designed to guide you through a comprehensive exploration of a specific phase of the lifespan and its significance in development. For this first assignment, you will put what you have learned into action. Your task is to select a specific … Read more

In this assignment, you will transition the outline you created in Unit IV into at least three body paragraphs; be sure to implement your professor’s suggestions and feedback from the Unit IV assignment. You will also write the paper’s counterargument and conclusion.

Unit VII Final Research Paper Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will produce your final paper with the addition of the counterargument and conclusion paragraph, your revised introduction paragraph and developed body paragraphs, and a references page with at least three sources. Length: The overall paper should be 1,300 to 1,500 words, not counting the … Read more

Module 1, Chapter 1

  INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS Each module will include a discussion board where I will post prompts related to module content. You do not need to interact in every Discussion Board converations, but encourage you to post there pretty regularly and respond to classmates’ posts as these discussions serve as one mechanism for … Read more

Management: What is a Dissertation?

In your own words, write a 650 word response to the following: What is a dissertation? What type of information should be included? What will it be like for you to write a dissertation? What excites you about the process? What challenges do you expect to encounter?

Explain how this issue affects your reader, other people, and/or the environment. Cite a minimum of 3 sources in your paper.

Final Assignment Write a short essay (500-700 words) addressing an environmental issue that is controversial or poorly understood. Present scientific information about a controversial or poorly understood environmental issue in a way that is accessible and understandable to the general public. Make a scientific argument that explains the issue, acknowledges any misinformation or controversy about … Read more

Devotion and Finding Passages in the Bible-Explain what a devotion is and how to find a passage of Scripture in the Holy Bible.

Getting Start As a faith-based university, IWU works to integrate principles and passages from the Holy Bible, throughout our curriculum. To that end, you will often find that one of your assignments for the week is a “devotion”. We define a devotion as a time to think about and reflect on a spiritual concept, passage … Read more