ANALYZE what happens with the effects of light on the COLORS you observe in each image you create, considering the lighting and atmospheric effects taking place.

Impressionist Intentions Read Chapter 4, pages 94-127 in online textLinks to an external site.. Claude Monet was very interested in painting outside showing the effects of light during atmospheric conditions and different times of day. See more examples of Monet’s work. Draw, paint or take photographs of the same scene taken during different times of … Read more

Does the artist lose control of the work when inviting the audience to perform or can they sway the audience to perform as the artist wishes?

Read Chapter 3, pages 77-92 in online Text.Links to an external site. While both “happenings” and “performance art” refer to live artistic events, a “happening” is a specific type of performance art that emphasizes spontaneity, audience participation, and a loosely structured, often improvised experience, blurring the lines between art and life, whereas performance art is … Read more

Develop a plan describing how to apply what you have learned in the research to resolve the topic.

Topic: The Need for supportive instructional leadership in literacy and cultivating a shared vision for literacy. Directions: 1. Select five research articles that support the topic mentioned above. 2. Compose a 4- to 6-page paper, not including the title and references pages. Title the paper, Literacy Research Summary. Follow APA 7 format for citations and … Read more

Communications and Media-How can the manipulation of political narratives on social media affect public trust in traditional media and government institutions?

A research paper addressing a topic on, or related to, Social Networks and Intelligence. Topic is “The Influence of Social Media Tactics on Public Perception in Iraq “the paper should cover these questions and provide an intelligent analysis 1. What specific social media tactics are most used in Iraq to shape public perception? 2. How … Read more

Demonstrate the ability to plan and reflect on appropriate instructional and assessment strategies in designing an integrated physical education and health unit

To demonstrate the ability to plan and reflect on appropriate instructional and assessment strategies in designing an integrated physical education and health unit for elementary-aged students (K-6), the student will need to: Identify an elementary grade level (FL: K-6). Include unit objectives/performance outcomes written in a behavioral format and correlated to the Florida State standards … Read more

How can we develop the fruit of the Spirit and know we are operating in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? What steps, in the transformation into the likeness of Christ, must we take?

Instructions: Devotionals are graded on a participation-only basis. For you to receive a grade of “complete” for the devotionals in each unit, you must write one original post, with approximately 150 words, in response to the instructor’s prompt for each unit. The content of the posting is not graded. Posts below 150 words will be … Read more

Discuss the importance of leadership in the implementation of the electronic health record from the perspective of meeting the end-user’s functional needs from that system.

Discuss the importance of leadership in the implementation of the electronic health record from the perspective of meeting the end-user’s functional needs from that system. How does this help a healthcare organization in KSA meet their business and clinical intelligence needs? In developing your initial response, be sure to draw from, explore, and cite credible … Read more