What is the film about, and why do you think the filmmaker made the film? What issue or issues was the filmmaker trying to address?

Film: Green border 2023 The film reaction should be about two pages long (about 500-600 words). The primary issues you should address in a film reaction are: 1) What is the film about, and why do you think the filmmaker made the film? What issue or issues was the filmmaker trying to address? 2) Why … Read more

Why or why not? Are there other stakeholders (people involved) that you need to consider? What if there was only one person in the self-driving vehicle, and there were three pedestrians?

For this case study, you will imagine that you are an engineer for a company that is developing self-driving technology for automobiles. Your technology will allow a vehicle to be driven without a driver under ordinary conditions. The vehicle will stay in its lane, keep a safe distance to other vehicles, stop at red lights … Read more

Identifying figurative language or techniques (explain using evidence) based on 2nd question story

Please answer the Following questions From Killing Birds , Knock On The Door and Poems in word File.(one page answer) Choosing two texts and explaining how they work together to express a common idea/theme based on the Killing Birds, Knock on The Door and Poems in word File Summarise the Story Our Last, Impossible Conversation … Read more

Criminal Law-Examine how victim-offender mediation is a transformative process.

Essay: The Effectiveness of Victim-Offender Mediation Assignment Instructions Overview In this assignment, you will apply the learning material meaningfully to clarify your understanding of victim-offender mediation in the restorative justice process. The victim-offender mediation process is when the victim is provided the opportunity to meet with their offender, with the purpose of engaging in a … Read more

Modern Management-Explain why you think you scored the way you did in each of the skills.

For this assignment, you will assess your managerial skills to identify ways to make improvements. To complete this assignment, you will need to complete the Apply Your Skills Engagement Exercise: Aptitude Questionnaire on pages 30-31 in Chapter 1 of the textbook, which was assigned in Week 1. Interpret your assessment findings based on the provided … Read more

Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements. Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.

Overview Feedback is an essential component when supporting others in carrying out services. For this assignment, you will evaluate the feedback given in five separate scenarios and discuss strategies for providing feedback in your future career. Your instructor will provide you with five scenarios for use in this assignment. Instructions Complete the following for each … Read more

climate change and policy economics-Multiple files with notes, tutorial question and answers, revision lectures and a mock exam paper with answer to help you answer the questions.

Answer three of the questions in the final exam paper. follow the methodology and structure used in the mock exam paper to answer the question . Multiple files with notes, tutorial question and answers, revision lectures and a mock exam paper with answer to help you answer the questions. please base the answer on the … Read more

How have these tools benefited productivity in your work teams?

Read the Management Science in Action insert on page 398Links to an external site. in your textbook (Section 9-2 ‘Variability in Project Completion Time’ in your digital textbook). Choose one or more of the following topics to guide your thoughts for this week’s Application Exercise: What role did pipelining play in improving efficiency at WR-ALC? … Read more

How did Flora’s perspective compare to theirs? As nurse leaders, what factors, other than patient advocacy, must Megan and Kenny consider when discerning the best clinical pathway for Joan?

  Watch Episode 3 practice and Principle. Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you reflect on the following: In Episode 3, the conflict between health ethics (what feels morally right in caring for Joan) and health laws and policy put Megan, the nurse leader, at odds with Kenny, Mario, and Flora. While all … Read more