Does Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act define when banks must collect demographic information?

The first four chapters have introduced several topics that are still newsworthy today. This assignment requires you to find a recent news article (less than three years old) from a reputable news agency related to a topic in the first four chapters. Examples of reputable finance-related sources include the American Bankers Association, Wall Street Journal, … Read more

How can an organization encourage the accurate reporting of near misses and errors without a retaliation approach to the reporting employee(s)?

In healthcare, patient safety is everything done to ensure the facilitation of safe, efficient care. However, even in the best of circumstances, errors and near misses can occur. Most errors are caused by system-related processes; however, it is important that all errors and near misses are reported. These reports help to ensure the root causes … Read more

Health and Medicine-Discuss HIT applications, tools, processes, and structures to manage health data.

For this assignment, you will interview an HIT professional involved in project management at your current or previous organization. Refer to the “Interview Resources” from the GCU Library Health Informatics and Information Management Research Guide, located in the Class Resources, for support on completing the interview. Part 1 Create a list of 10 questions to … Read more

Health and Medicine-Provide statistical information related to the prevalence of substance use disorders for this population. Substance use patterns and signs/symptoms of addiction which are specific to this population.

This paper should be a minimum of 8 pages and should demonstrate an awareness of and ability to articulate the impact of substance use disorders in a special population (HOMELESS POPULATION). A minimum of 5 peer reviewed (published within the last 8 years); references must be cited within the paper and listed on the reference … Read more

Pharmacology discussion-identify these through early detection by conducting blood work including liver function tests or ultrasound to determine any liver damage.

Respond to reply with APA 7th ed format include one in-text citations from different sources 5 years old 1Hi, Krystal, Great job on outlining all the possible causes of GAD, from genetic predisposition to environmental and neurological. 2 Long-term alcohol use can affect multiple different system in our body. While we mainly know that it … Read more

Why does this media resonate with its targeted audience?

Background In order to create multimedia content, we will need to first consume multimedia content. This activity is designed to put your critical thinking skills to work by analyzing multimedia created by others. Task Choose any single multimedia content that you have been exposed to recently. Examples can include: A video (movie, television show, advertisement, … Read more

How do parents consider gender norms when buying their children books, movies, and toys? How do you believe they should consider it? (2.5 pts)

Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is gender a topic better left for later? How do parents consider gender norms when buying their children books, movies, and toys? How do you believe they should consider it? (2.5 pts) Based on your observations, when are adolescents … Read more

What are some your personal examples of reinforcement (+ and – ) and punishment (+ and -) in your life.

All Psychology is about Measuring Behavior and Mental Events. Learning the change in behavior (or mental events) based on experiences. Going to school and knowledge is retaining information (memory)- but not necessarily learning. Give an example of Classical Conditioning in your personal life – be specific! What was the CS and CR and the UCS? … Read more

Importance of children’s literature-As the classroom teacher, you plan to explain to parents the importance of reading aloud to their children. You will describe (in detail) three benefits of reading aloud to children.

Purpose: To persuade parents of the importance of reading aloud to their children. Directions:It is the beginning of the school year. As the classroom teacher, you plan to explain to parents the importance of reading aloud to their children. You will describe (in detail) three benefits of reading aloud to children. You can choose how … Read more

‘What are the primary research and/or methodological challenges/issues for consideration in your proposed dissertation project, and how do you plan to overcome them?’

it is a 2,500-word essay (including footnotes) on your own dissertation methodology. The task Write a response to the following question about your own dissertation methodology: ‘What are the primary research and/or methodological challenges/issues for consideration in your proposed dissertation project, and how do you plan to overcome them?’ Your essay should be structured around … Read more